Band Or DJ Bookings
At On The Run Music we can provide a duo, trio, full band or DJ for weddings, engagment parties, work functions, or private parties. All our bands and DJ's are highly experienced and currently working throughout WA.
Bands vary from pop throught to heavy rock to suit your function.
To save you time surfing the web and viewing a whole heap of band and DJ pages you can tell us what you are after and we can find the act to suit your requests. Whether it be that you are after a Male or Female singer/ DJ, a lover of Elvis Costello or Metallica we can arrange it. Leave it to On The Run Music!
If you are after a guitarist who can sing and juggle all at the same time we will happily recommend an agency that can assist you further. We are not only apart of the industry to make money but to help keep the music industry alive.
We will send out a setlist and/ or audio of the recommended band for you to help make your decision.
PA Hire/ Lighting Hire
If you are putting on a function and require a PA, lighting and/ or an operator, look no further we can assist.